Image credits: Paper Tales via Youtube
Are you looking for ways to upcycle your old newspapers? Look no more; these newspaper coasters from Paper Tales on Youtube are the best craft project you can do! It’s easy to make, and you will only need basic craft materials for this project. Make this a weekend project with your family or friends. Watch the video tutorial below to learn the step-by-step process.
Get a piece of old newspaper and start rolling up one corner using a stick or a strand of dry spaghetti. Make sure to roll tightly. Once you reach the other corner, put enough glue and roll it. Continue this process until you have enough newspaper sticks for your craft project. After you have enough newspaper sticks, get your quilling tool, press down the end newspaper sticks, and start rolling. Once you reach a certain area where you can hold on to the rolled strip, remove your quilling tool, and just continue rolling til the end. Once you reach the end, put enough glue, and roll.
Now, you will keep building this. Take another strip, flatten the end a bit, and roll using the quilling tool. Continue this process until you have your desired size for the coaster. Make sure you keep it tight while rolling. After you have your desired size, spread some glue all over the top with your finger. Once it dries, repeat the same process on the other side.