DIY Magic Stove Cleaner With Dollar Tree Items

DIY Magic Stove Cleaner With Dollar Tree Items | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Katie Sottile via Youtube


This super effective cleaning method from Katie Sottile on Youtube will let you have a brand-new-looking stovetop! Moreover, the items used were all from Dollar Tree – inexpensive yet super effective. Share this also with your friends and family! Watch the video tutorial below for the step-by-step process.



  • ammonia
  • vinegar
  • all-purpose cleaner
  • DIY cleaning solution (dish soap and vinegar)


Step 1

First, take the stovetop pieces off, then get a ziplock bag and toss them inside. For the first solution, get your clear ammonia and pour a good amount inside the ziplock, and zip it in really tight. Next, get your other stovetop piece, put it in another ziplock, and pour a good amount of cleaning vinegar. Set both over the night to let the solution do its magic. While it’s cleaning overnight, go ahead and clean the stovetop. First, spray some all-purpose cleaner, and then spray the DIY cleaning solution which is composed of vinegar and dish soap. Let it sit for 30 minutes, then wipe it off with a towel.

Pour vinegar or ammonia to the ziplock with the stovetop piece
Image credits: Katie Sottile via Youtube


Step 2

Back to the stovetop pieces, flip them over halfway through the process. After soaking them overnight, remove first the stovetop piece from vinegar out of the ziplock, then rinse it off while brushing. Next, take the stovetop from the ammonia out of the ziplock, then rinse and scrub it as well.

The stovetop piece that was soak in ammonia overnight
Image credits: Katie Sottile via Youtube

DIY Magic Stove Cleaner With Dollar Tree Items

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