He Shows Us How To Make 5 Awesome DIY Light Bulb Projects…

He Shows Us How To Make 5 Awesome DIY Light Bulb Projects… | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

If you have upgraded your house to energy efficient light bulbs, you might wonder what to do with those old bulbs. To throw them away or to not throw them away — that’s the question!


Light bulbs aren’t just for lighting up a room any more! There are so many DIY projects you can do with these little jewels!

This guy with Shake The Future shows us 5 projects you can do with light bulbs.

Project #1:  He makes a great paper clip holder and, if you need a paper clip, all you have to do is shake the bulb. I think it’s such a unique and clever looking paper clip holder and you’re sure to have some inquiries when people see this sitting on your desk! This one is my favorite out of all of these!

Project #2:   He turns a light bulb into a vase and he balances it by sitting it on a round cookie cutter…clever! It looks so beautiful holding a rose.

Project #3:  He makes a brilliant solar light out of a light bulb…such a cool idea and no electricity is needed!

Project #4:  Oil burning light, which is certainly great to have when the electricity goes out!

Project #5:  He pours Insta Morph into the lightbulb and bakes it in the oven. When it cools off, screws in a cork.  After it cools off he removes the glass bulb part and has a wine cork for opening your favorite wine!

Watch how he does all these projects in his step by step tutorial!




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