Image Credit: Julia Konya via YouTube
This pretty hanging cat bed is made of a macrame cord by Julia Konya on YouTube is the tutorial I’ve been looking for! This DIY project of hers is very easy to make and contains detailed but very simple instructions which made it easy for me, who’s not really good at macrame, to understand how to do it. The cat bed turned out looking so pretty and even my cat loved it so much!
Step 1
Wrap the metal hoops with vertical lark’s head knots all the way around, then determine the length of your cat bed, and multiply that by 10 so you could have enough yarn for the rest of the knotting as well as the tassel at the bottom. Cut 8 pieces of yarn to that length and fold it in half. Fold the pieces in half over the doorknob and wrap the center part with vertical lark’s head knots, wrap the yarn around the strands and tie them with a standard knot, square knot the 4 bottom strands into 5 inches, measure another 5 inches, and make square knots again.
Step 2
Attach the hoop to the strands with square knots in equal sections, cut 24 pieces of macrame yarn at 180 inches long, fold each strand in half and loop them onto the hoop with lark’s head knots in groups of two, each section between the hanging strands gets 3 groups of two lark’s head knots so you end up with four pieces of yarn hanging down for more square knots. Add one square knot to match the square knots you used to attach the hoop, repeat all the way around the hoop. Create a criss-cross pattern around, then knot the 2nd hoop at the bottom using square knots, and then gather all the strands at the bottom. Tie them together, then cut the tassel at the bottom to the desired height, and put the pillow inside.
*These amazing images are all credited to Julia Konya via YouTube. Check her other content and follow for more!