6. 5 Cool DIY Ways To Refashion Your Old T-Shirts
7. How to Easily Fix Snagged Clothing
I used to get so upset when my clothing got snagged, especially when it was brand new. My roommate taught me this cool DIY hack for clothes when I was in college, and it makes snags in clothes and unsightly loops of thread magically disappear.
8. How to Remove Latex Paint From Jeans
I think this is my favorite tip of all of them. As a lifelong crafter and DIY nut, I just can’t seem to keep the paint off my good clothes. I retired items once they had paint on them, but once I realized I then owned 16 pairs of painting pants, I thought “there must be a better way.” There is. You will not believe how simple this trick is, either. Brilliant!
9. Homemade Wrinkle Release Spray
Since my dryer has kind of become my iron, and I don’t always make it in time to immediately pull everything out and fold or hang it neatly, I go through quite a bit of wrinkle release spray. I went looking to see if there was a homemade wrinkle remover, and sure enough, the spray is easy and cheap to make at home. Eliminate wrinkles without ironing or spending a ton of money! Awesome
10. How to Take in Only Part of Your Pants
I had no ideas you could sew a seam like this. Alter your saggy pants at some and save money on the seamstress by following this easy step by step tutorial that teaches you exactly how to get rid of a saggy butt.