Here’s an upcycling idea that will give any room a Boho Wonderlust vibe and it does not cost much to make or take too much time, it’s a DIY Globe Pendant Light made from second-hand globes you might find at a thrift store or garage sale turned into a chic Boho pendant light. I recently attended an estate sale of a former elementary school teacher and I bought 4 old globes she had in her classroom. My best friend who was with me said, you know those won’t fit in your house, right? I just laughed because I knew it was completely true, but I had that feeling inside that there was something I could do with them because they were so darn cool! My feeling proved to be entirely correct when I found this wonderful Globe Light DIY on Youtube and I called my friend immediately to get over to my house and help me make this awesome project. We started by gathering our materials together:
- 1 Globe
- A Drill With 7/64 drill bit 9
- Pendant Light With Cage
- Marker
- Box Cutter
First, drill your holes all the way around Antarctica to be able to cut your larger hole where the light will shine out of.
Then cut that bit our with your box cutter, then drill a smaller size hole (to fit your light casing) around the North Pole and cut it out too. Then pull your pendant light through.
Then you are ready to hang it!
This DIY Globe Pendant Light is so cute, I made one for every room!