When I found this awesome gift wrapping video tutorial by 5-Minute Crafts, on YouTube, I was so excited to try some of these. My gift wrapping has gotten a bit stale over the years, so I was really excited to update my gift wrapping skills this holiday season. I have to say, that all those old stale present wrapping methods I was using are now out the window. The most wonderful part of this gift wrapping video was the fact that these beautiful gift wrap ideas are really easy, it’s all about knowing how to tape and fold correctly, and the video clearly explains every part of this process.
Materials For Gift Wrapping:
- Wrapping paper
- Spools of ribbon
- Boxes
- Tape
In this awesome gift wrapping video tutorial by 5-Minute Crafts, on YouTube, you will learn 20 different ways to make your gifts look fabulous. This example is one of the many gift wrapping ideas in this video tutorial. This is a beautiful, very fluffy, professional-looking bow that is described very simply and so easy to understand.
You will also learn to make this beautiful wrapping paper gift bag, that just uses a bit of simple ribbon for attractive handles for the gift bag.
This video is full of so many good ideas, it really has made my gift giving a lot easier, not to mention, that it has made my gifts 100% better looking.