Heat the Home For 4 Cents An Hour With This DIY Idea

Heat the Home For 4 Cents An Hour With This DIY Idea | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

You can heat an entire room with this Terra-cotta pot turned space heater. You need a clay pot, some large bricks, and some candles. A good thing to know in case the power goes out this winter.


Power go out unexpectedly in your area? Here’s a very simple, dirt cheap homemade heater made out of Flower pots and tea lights that you can put together in under 5 minutes flat- and here’s the kicker, It Actually WORKS.

Common Sense Disclaimer: This mini heater can easily reach 300F in a very short period of time, like ANY emergency heat source, It is inadvisable to leave it unattended in a room with children or pets.

Now that we got the common sense disclaimer out of the way, check this out! This simple heat source would work fantastic in a small greenhouse to keep the chill off plants overnight! Follow the directions carefully, do not substitute items, do not use larger candles or votives. Do not use a glass loaf pan or an aluminum foil loaf pan.

While this does generate quite a bit of heat, this is obviously not going to heat a 2500 square foot house. You can, however, use 2 of these set ups to keep an 10×12 room fairly comfortable if you light it as soon as the power goes out and avoid opening and closing doors, etc.

I started it by putting one of these in a bathroom and it did warm the room!  In fact, after 3+ hours (and changing out the tea lights once), the room was quite warm.  I didn’t have a way to actually measure the difference, but I’d guess at least 15 degrees warmer than outside the room.

I was thrilled!  I bought a 2nd set of pots and if we are ever faced with a power out situation in the winter, we will use two of these in a small bedroom where we sleep. We’d need about 40 tea lights per day to keep both running all day.

What a simple and inexpensive way to heat a room!

Watch how Ben Galt does this in his step by step tutorial so you can save on your electric bill this winter!

DIY Heater Made From Clay Flower Pots

Easy DIY Flower Pot Heater - Cool, Cheap Home Decor on A Budget - Make a DIY Heater from Flower Pots for Outdoors or Patio - Step by Step Tutorial and Instructions - Crafts and DIY Projects for Women and Men

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