Instantly Add Rustic Charm To Any Room Without Spending A Ton of Money (Watch)

Instantly Add Rustic Charm To Any Room Without Spending A Ton of Money (Watch) | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

I am finally ready to share with you one of my very first projects in the new house, and I have got to say I am in love with it!  It all started with this very large blank wall in out dining room/kitchen.  I wanted the wall to make a statement without adding hanging wall decor.


My first instinct was wood planks, but I wanted to try something new! I wanted to white wash it, and my sister suggested I try doing a faux brick wall.  I loved the idea!

I am really happy with the way it turned out and I thought some of you might enjoy doing this as an accent wall in your home. It’s time consuming but really easy.

This has added a totally new dimension to my home and I get so many comments on it. Everyone wants to know how I did it! I get that because before I did this DIY project I drooled when I saw photos of faux brick walls home decor magazines. I just can’t believe I now actually have this on a wall in my home…can you tell I’m proud?

Don’t be afraid to do this! Just jump in and DO IT! You’ll be so excited about the end result. This is one of the coolest things I’ve ever done as far as home decor goes. You won’t regret it…I promise!

Watch how Stef Hall does this amazing wall in her step by step tutorial so you can get busy doing this in your home!

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