DIY Dollar Tree Hula Hoop Floor Lamp Tutorial

DIY Dollar Tree Hula Hoop Floor Lamp Tutorial | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: yoduvh Essentials via Youtube


Floor lamps can be pretty expensive, so why not make your own? This DIY hula hoop lamp from yoduvh Essentials on Youtube only uses items from Dollar Tree. It’s a beautiful floor lamp that looks like art, and I’m sure this will make your space elegant-looking. Watch the video tutorial below to learn the step-by-step instructions.



  • three hula hoops
  • screws
  • large empty box
  • foam board
  • contact paper, any design
  • beads
  • LED strip light (with dots)
  • LED string (with dots)
  • glue gun
  • pen, for lining
  • ruler
  • cutter


Step 1

Take your large empty box and create an opening in the middle where you will insert the hula hoops. Cut it open with a cutter. Add layers of foam board inside so that it will be thick enough to hold the hoops. Glue them down using hot glue. Make a hole also right through the boards for the hoops. Now, cover the sides with any design of contact paper including the top.

Making a hole into the empty box to insert the hoops inside
Image credits: yoduvh Essentials via Youtube


Step 2

Moving on with the hoops, figure out what shape you would like them to look like when they’re standing on the box and attach them with screws. After this, spray paint them with gold or any color you like. Now, attach the LED strip to the hoops. Once you’re finished attaching the strip lights, put the hoops into the box as well as the strip lights. You can use a strong adhesive to keep the hoops in place together with the box. You can also put some beads for added design.

Attaching the LED strip lights to the hula hoops
Image credits: yoduvh Essentials via Youtube

DIY Dollar Tree Hula Hoop Floor Lamp Tutorial

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