Cut Up An Old Pile of Jeans to Make This Floor Mat

Cut Up An Old Pile of Jeans to Make This Floor Mat | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Repurposing old denim is one of the modern trends in decorating and design. Textiles and home fabrics, room furniture and wall decorations with denim creates beautiful, unique and spectacular accents for modern interior decorating.


A floor rug made of old denim jeans is a great way to start changing your room decor. It adds so much character and char to a room! It’s versatile and suitable for many interior design styles, both genders and all ages. Kitchens and bathrooms, living rooms and bedrooms, hallways and entryway designs benefit from stunning denim floor rugs!

You can make your own cheap home decorations using denim techniques, creating fascinating designs for your home decorating. I’ve seen so many great looking rugs, on Pinterest, made out of old jeans. Some of them a little more complicated than I care to attempt, but I sure would love to have. I’m settling for this cool rug…this one I can make!

A great idea for recycling denim – a rug made of old jeans. How many jeans are thrown away each year globally – we don’t know the answer, but every pair that are reused are not ending up in a landfill!

Watch how Howcast makes this great looking rug in their step by step tutorial and get those old jeans together quick!

How to Make A Denim Floor Mat


A special thanks to BlogLovin’ for the use of their photo of a stack of old jeans. Make sure to check out their blog site for some great ideas!


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