She Makes A Fabulous Criss Cross Blouse For The Holidays (Easy!)

She Makes A Fabulous Criss Cross Blouse For The Holidays (Easy!) | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

While browsing through some tutorials on the internet this knock out criss cross blouse made me come to a halt. I was looking for something kind of sexy for a Christmas party I’m going to and this was it!


This is a very popular look these days and the way she makes it in her tutorial is so simple! You can whip this blouse out in no time and have something fabulous to wear that night!

I thought this would look awesome with some slinky black tuxedo pants I have, and, of course, some bling! I always have to have at least three outfits for the holiday parties and this blouse saved me some money since I’ve already bought two dresses.

If you don’t have a dressy occasion then this blouse looks great in a knit for a more casual look. There is a small photo of what it looks like in knit and I may just have to make one of those to go with jeans. I really love the look of this blouse!

Watch how BritzBrat2Fashion makes this in her step by step tutorial!

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