One of the things I enjoy during Christmas is making handmade gift tags. I absolutely love spending my time designing each one. It’s just so fun and therapeutic. They add a nice touch to your gifts since they are handmade. Thinking about the time spent crafting a personalized gift makes you appreciate it even more.
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I found this beautiful gift tag idea on PARI‘s YouTube channel. You can choose from four designs: mistletoe, snowman, Christmas light, and Christmas wreath. There are plenty of designs you can make using buttons–just let your creativity flow.
Here’s another holiday project for you: Easy Christmas Tree Folded Napkin
Easy DIY Christmas Gift Tags Materials
- buttons
- thin and thick ribbons
- cardstock
- jute mesh
- scissors
- glue
- pen
How to Make DIY Christmas Gift Tags
Step 1:
Cut the cardstock in your desired gift tag size, then trim the corners.
Step 2:
Get the jute mesh and cut it into a rectangular shape smaller than the gift tag. Glue on top of the gift tag.
Step 3:
Punch a hole in the middle of one of the short sides.
Step 4:
Get a small piece of thick ribbon, then cut a V cut on the ends. Fold it in half, then insert the folded end into the hole. Insert the open ends into the loop to secure.
Step 5:
Form your green buttons into a hollow circle in the middle of the gift tag. Glue them in place.
Step 6:
Take a small piece of thin red ribbon and make a bow. Glue it on the bottom of the buttons.
You can also make a snowman, Christmas lights, and mistletoe. For the snowman, all you need is three white buttons, a thin red ribbon, and a cut-out hat. For the Christmas lights, you need 5 buttons in different colors, white paper, and black ribbon.