One of the things I enjoy during Christmas is making handmade gift tags. I absolutely love spending my time designing each one. It’s just so fun and therapeutic. They add a nice touch to your gifts since they are handmade. Thinking about the time spent crafting a personalized gift makes you appreciate it even more.

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I found this beautiful gift tag idea on PARI‘s YouTube channel. You can choose from four designs: mistletoe, snowman, Christmas light, and Christmas wreath. There are plenty of designs you can make using buttons–just let your creativity flow.

Here’s another holiday project for you: Easy Christmas Tree Folded Napkin

Easy DIY Christmas Gift Tags Materials

  • buttons
  • thin and thick ribbons
  • cardstock
  • jute mesh
  • scissors
  • glue
  • pen

How to Make DIY Christmas Gift Tags

Step 1:

Cut the cardstock in your desired gift tag size, then trim the corners.

Step 2:

Get the jute mesh and cut it into a rectangular shape smaller than the gift tag. Glue on top of the gift tag.

Step 3:

Punch a hole in the middle of one of the short sides.

Step 4:

Get a small piece of thick ribbon, then cut a V cut on the ends. Fold it in half, then insert the folded end into the hole. Insert the open ends into the loop to secure.

Easy DIY Christmas Gift Tags Materials
Image by PARI via YouTube

Step 5:

Form your green buttons into a hollow circle in the middle of the gift tag. Glue them in place.

Step 6:

Take a small piece of thin red ribbon and make a bow. Glue it on the bottom of the buttons.

You can also make a snowman, Christmas lights, and mistletoe. For the snowman, all you need is three white buttons, a thin red ribbon, and a cut-out hat. For the Christmas lights, you need 5 buttons in different colors, white paper, and black ribbon.

How to Make Handmade Christmas Gift Tags
Image by PARI via YouTube

DIY Christmas Gift Tags


Lily Suing

I have always been naturally curious. I love exploring various interests, whether it's trying out breakfast recipes, working on DIY projects at home, discovering new crafts, or anything that makes my life easier! When I am not writing, you can find me outdoors, enjoying the sun with a cold drink in my hand.

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