He Shows Us An Amazing Way To Make This Remarkable Boho Ribbon (So Easy!)

He Shows Us An Amazing Way To Make This Remarkable Boho Ribbon (So Easy!) | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Mark Montano, with Make Your Mark, is always thinking of something bright and fun to make and this is a DIY project that caught my eye immediately! I love the Bohemian look because of all the bright and beautiful colors involved.


I would have never in a million years thought to do this and I think it’s brilliant! This is an awesome way to upcycle some of your left over fabric. There’s so much you can do with this bright colored ribbon and I’m thinking it will look great on gift packages! I’m always needing to buy ribbon for birthday presents and baby gifts, so I want to make a bunch of it so I’ll have it available when I need some great looking ribbon! It certainly makes for unique looking packages!

This ribbon also looks fabulous for hair bows for your children and I’m sure you wouldn’t be able to buy anything this cool either. I’ve also seen all kinds of DIY projects done with these ribbons. Some people have used boho ribbon to make brightly colored wall hangings, including dream catchers, and they add a fabulous pop of color to your decor!

Watch how Mark Montano makes this awesome ribbon in his step by step tutorial so you can get busy making this too!


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