She Makes A Bath Tub Shelf For Relaxation And Enjoyment Easy And Cheap!

She Makes A Bath Tub Shelf For Relaxation And Enjoyment Easy And Cheap! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

So many times I think I’m going to take a nice relaxing bath when I find myself wasting that wonderful bath bomb, only to jump out in a matter of minutes!

Well, since I ran across this tutorial and made one of these for my bathtub, I no longer do that. I take my time and read a good book, with a glass of my favorite wine and I relax for a nice long soak. This has been really good for me, after a long busy day at work. It’s the best way I have found to unwind from my days.


When I was cruising Pinterest, I noticed that Etsy has this same bathtub shelf for $124+shipping…can you believe that, when you can make it for yourself for next to nothing? I saved myself a ton of money by making this simple shelf!

If you have no inclination to make one of these, but really want one, get your husband, boyfriend or Dad to make you one. Guys always like a project and it makes them feel important when you ask them to do something, like this, for you!

Watch how Ann Li makes this shelf in her simple step by step tutorial and get prepared for a long nice soak!


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