7 Simple Hacks Every Dog Owner Should Know (Watch!)

7 Simple Hacks Every Dog Owner Should Know (Watch!) | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

I don’t know about you, but I’m always up for some tips…especially when it comes to my dogs!  BuzzFeedVideo has 7 clever tips to share with us and I want to share them with you.


If you have a dog that sheds they show you how you can easily remove dog hair from carpet. They have a couple of really great tricks and it’s so easy! My daughter has a Lab and she sheds so bad. I will definitely be sharing this with her. She also has a dog that eats way too fast and BuzzFeedVideo has a solution to this problem too!

Next they share with us what you can do when you don’t have any carpet cleaner for pet accidents and it’s really inexpensive…works like a charm too!

If you want to “park” your dog outside for a little bit, they show you the best way to secure the leash to a pole or a tree…but don’t be gone too long!

Does your dog have fleas? Well, if so, they’ve got a solution to that too! They show you the simple solution they mix up that’s easy and cheap!

The next hack they show us is the easy way to get your dog’s teeth clean and they can do it while playing with a toy! You can throw away their toothbrushes. Yep, it’s true…you’ll just have to watch what they do!

Last, but not least, they make an impromptu dog toy that your dog will play with for hours and you won’t believe what they use!

Watch BuzzFeedVideo and their great ideas for making you and your dog’s life easier in their step by step tutorial!




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