When Throwing Away An Old Desk, He Takes Out One Of The Drawers And Repurposes It Into Something Useful!

When Throwing Away An Old Desk, He Takes Out One Of The Drawers And Repurposes It Into Something Useful! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

This is a great free DIY project and we can all use one of these…or a few! And, the cool thing about this project is that you can do some many different things to it to get all kinds of different looks, depending on your decor!


We can see all the old dressers in the thrift store or yard sale, missing some parts, damaged legs, tops, or scratched and thinking there’s nothing we can do. It is such a waste to dispose the whole thing that are made of real woods, especially from grandma’s age.  While the bulk of the dresser may be ready to go to the junkyard, try to keep all the drawers that are still in decent shape!

Would you believe that I actually saw one of these shelves for sale for $33.98? Really? Well, if that’s the case, I’m in the wrong business! It’s a good thing that I love DIY projects because I really wanted one of these and wouldn’t want to pay that price for one!

There are so many uses for these shelves…put one in your kitchen to store spices in, in your bathroom for your bathroom accessories and any place you need a shelf! Or you can do several of these placed on one wall to hold nik naks.

Andrew Setters takes you step by step through this process so you can do the same thing, so watch!


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