She Repurposes Some Old Jeans And What She Makes Is Awesome!

She Repurposes Some Old Jeans And What She Makes Is Awesome! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Don’t you love finding a new purpose for something that is no longer useful? Well, if you have old jeans that no longer fit or are out of style, this is the perfect DIY project! There are so many great projects to use old jeans for these days…so many it’s unbelievable!


When I saw this tutorial, I thought, well that’s something I can do with all those pairs of jeans so I can start cleaning out my storage tubs and utilize some of the valuable space they’re taking up in my house! Yep, that’s right, I’m on an organizing streak too!

This bag is a great size.  It holds a lot of things and that’s why I chose to make this particular one. Small bags just don’t work for me. Not sure how people can carry those small bags…I’ve always been kind of envious, but never have been able to get away with doing it…guess I just carry too much stuff!

I know that the lady who does this tutorial speaks in Spanish, so what I did was just turn the volume off, since most of the tutorials have music playing in them anyway. I was still able to watch what she does and make this great bag. Since I especially liked the way this bag looks I wanted to share it with you.

Take a look at how she makes this in her step by step tutorial…it’s an awesome looking bag.

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