She Rolls Aluminum Foil Into Balls Then What She Adds Next Makes A Beautiful Addition To Your Decor!

She Rolls Aluminum Foil Into Balls Then What She Adds Next Makes A Beautiful Addition To Your Decor! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

After seeing a lot of these displayed in living rooms in decorator magazines, I found some at Pier One. But, when I looked at the price of one I didn’t buy them. They were too expensive since I needed more than one of them.


A while back I started collecting glass containers…tall, short, fat, curvy and straight ones. Then I was in a quandary as to what to put in them, since I wanted to display them in my home.  The problem is, aside from filling them with round Christmas ornaments during the holidays, they’ve been sitting empty!

Many years ago, when country charm was the big look, I covered styrofoam balls, wrapped in fabric rags that I had torn into strips, and put them in a nice bowl on a table for a touch of color. At the time, they were really cute. I’ve long since gotten away from the country charm look and moved more toward a modern decor.

I ran across this awesome tutorial and abruptly stopped because it was the solution for what to put in my bowls/vases! I thought this was brilliant, and certainly something I could easily do without a lot of expense too!

Watch how this gal with Purposeful Crafts makes these great decorative balls in her step by step tutorial. They look awesome and interesting sitting in pretty bowl in your home!


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