She Pampers Herself With A Day Spa At Home — You Must Do This!

She Pampers Herself With A Day Spa At Home — You Must Do This! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Summer is now in full swing; you’ve been working for a long time and are probably ready for a vacation…or at least a little rest and relaxation. Since summer is all about saving money, especially for the upcoming school year, this may cause your relaxation budget to be very small.


Well, a DIY spa day at home is the perfect solution to all of your worries. Check out these great DIY tips for an inexpensive spa day at home that will leave you feeling like you just stepped out of NYC’s finest salon!

We all want soft, smooth and silky skin and body scrubs are great for just that. These scrubs are easy enough to make at home once you have all the correct ingredients. There are also many scents such as lavender, lemon and papaya that can create this wonderful exfoliate. My personal favorite is the lemon sugar scrub she shows you in this tutorial.

And, what better way to unwind by taking a nice, long, hot bubble bath? Dim the lights, add candles and play soothing music to recreate the serenity of the real deal spa right in your home bathroom. Toss in a few drops of essential oils, such as lavender or almond, to leave your skin feeling soft and renewed and your bath smelling insanely wonderful. For an extra dose of fanciness, sprinkle in a few rose petals too!

Watch what else Vasseur Beauty does in her step by step tutorial below. Here’s to relaxing and enjoying yourself!

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