Copycat Chili’s Chicken Crispers Recipe

Copycat Chili’s Chicken Crispers Recipe | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credit: Original Recipes by Mashed on Youtube


Chicken crispers, a particular and known favorite of mine and my friends, are a must-have for every get-together. However, unlike Chili’s iconic chicken tenders, these chicken crispers from Original Recipes by Mashed are distinguished by a distinctively different batter that imparts a great crispy texture to the chicken crispers and makes them stand out from the crowd.



  • 1 large egg (beaten)
  • ¼ cup milk (2% or whole milk)
  • ¾ cup chicken broth
  • 1 ½ teaspoons salt
  • ½ teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1 cup self-rising flour
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • Cooking oil for frying
  • 1 ½ pounds chicken tenderloins


Prepare all the needed ingredients.

copycat chilis chicken crispers ingredients
Image credit: Original Recipes by Mashed on Youtube

In a medium-sized mixing bowl, whisk together 1 large beaten egg, ¼ cup milk, ¾ cup of chicken broth, 1 ½ tsp of salt, and ½ tsp of ground black pepper.  Add in 1 cup of self-rising flour and whisk all the ingredients together until evenly combined.

In a small bowl, add and prepare 1 cup of all-purpose flour.

In a large skillet, Dutch oven, or fryer, heat cooking oil to about 1 inch in a skillet at 350F. The oil should be enough to almost cover the breaded chicken pieces thoroughly. Coat each of the 1 ½ pounds of chicken tenderloins in the dipping batter. Allow the batter to drip a bit before transferring it into the bowl of all-purpose flour. Turn the chicken tenderloins to lightly coat with flour and then transfer them into the heated cooking oil. Repeat the process with the next few pieces of chicken. Make sure to not crowd the chicken in the skillet.

steps to make copycat chilis chicken crispers
Image credit: Original Recipes by Mashed on Youtube

Fry the chickens for 8 to 10 minutes, or until they turn lightly golden and cooked through. The cooked chicken should have an internal temperature of 165F and no pink color, indicating that it has not been thoroughly cooked. Repeat in small batches as needed until thoroughly cooked.

Serve the cooked chickens on a plate while they are still hot!

Copycat Chili’s Chicken Crispers Recipe

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