4 Common Cleaning Myths Debunked

4 Common Cleaning Myths Debunked | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credit: Clean My Space via YouTube


There are a lot of cleaning tips and hacks that you can find online, but just like any other information that you can hear, some of them might not entirely be true. When cleaning, it’s important to know the facts or the reason why a specific hack works for you to clean more efficiently and to ensure that you don’t spend too much time and money.


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So today, here’s Clean My Space on YouTube to debunk a couple of common cleaning myths that you might be doing right now. These tips are very helpful and practical because they make sure that you clean more effectively and that you know which parts or areas of your house you should be prioritizing or focusing on more.

4 Common Cleaning Myths:

  • Washing with Hot Water
  • Leaving your Car to Wash in the Rain
  • Constant Sanitation of Surfaces
  • Bacteria on Toilet Seats

Debunking Common Cleaning Myths:

4 Common Cleaning Myths That are Not True
Image credit: Clean My Space via YouTube

#1: Washing with Hot Water

In old times, detergents needed hot water to dissolve, but now with new formulas and liquid versions, you don’t need hot water anymore. Hot water might even let the stain set on the fabric, so unless you live on a farm or are really concerned about bacteria, you can wash with cold water. Even the hottest cycle on your machine can’t kill all of the bacteria, you will need your machine to have a steam cycle or some sort of sanitizing cycle for it to work as preferred.

#2: Leaving your Car to Wash in the Rain

Just like normal showering for people, leaving your car to wash in the rain without the help of cleaning products or scrubbing will not remove any dirt or stains. So the next time you think of letting it wash on its own in the rain, give it a boost and just use the rain to rinse off the soap instead.

#3: Constant Sanitation of Surfaces

Cleaning surfaces constantly at the thought of bacteria lingering in the area is not true. You don’t need to be wary of general bacteria which are not that harmful, we also need good bacteria to thrive for our body to build resistance and immunity against bad bacteria. So unless there’s a good reason for you to get rid of bacteria on a surface, a simple all-purpose cleaner, water, and soap is good enough.

#4: Bacteria on Toilet Seats

A study made by swabbing 30 surfaces in 30 various homes to get the average bacterial organism counts for E coli, coliform, mold, and yeast showed that the toilet seat comes at number 11 with 266 as the final count, and at number 1 comes kitchen sponge with over 321 million organisms found. So the next time you worry about other people’s toilet seats, think about touching bacteria-laden kitchen sponges.

Debunking Common Cleaning Myths
Image credit: Clean My Space via YouTube

4 Common Cleaning Myths Debunked

*All image credit belongs to Clean My Space via YouTube. Follow and subscribe to her channel for more! 

4 Common Cleaning Myths Debunked

4 Common Cleaning Myths Debunked

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