She Places Her Pattern On Fabric And What She Makes Is The Cutest Item!

She Places Her Pattern On Fabric And What She Makes Is The Cutest Item! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

I originally wanted to save these for for gifts but then remembered my little granddaugher has been asking for months for a bigger apron to wear in the kitchen while helping me cook.  And since I’m an old softy I decided to give them to the girls.


I love baking with my almost-2-year-old and  8 yr old granddaughters, but it can be quite a messy affair. An average session might involve the 2 yr old stealing fistfuls of chocolate chips, dumping sugar on the floor and rubbing dough into her hair.

In order to protect her clothes from this toddler chaos, I was rigging up my adult-size apron and tying them on her like an elaborate toga. But after my contraption fell off for the hundredth time, it became clear to me that Lupe needed her very own little apron.

These little aprons are also great for art projects so you can protect the children’s clothes. The good thing about these are that they are reversible if you find that you can’t remove a stain.

They think they are so big when you give the their very own apron. I loved the looks on their faces!

And let me tell you, this pattern is a really fast project.  So instead of thinking 5 steps ahead while sewing (like I normally do), I just watched a movie on my laptop while putting these together.  Simple as that.

Watch how Laura makes this darling apron in her step by step tutorial and make your little ones smile!

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