Card Trick Patchwork Pillowcase

Card Trick Patchwork Pillowcase | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by: Shveyniy ugolok s Ludmiloy Zardinovoy


A lovely pillowcase design like this will surely stand out in your living room. This is the card trick patchwork pillowcase by Shveyniy ugolok s Ludmiloy Zardinovoy on Youtube. It’s not as complex as you think. If you have the pieces already cut out, you can sew them together easily. Use this block on table runners, bedsheets, or napkins. Read on for the step-by-step tutorial.




  • 2 pieces of 2.95″ white squares (A)
  • 2 pieces of 2.95″ blue squares(B)
  • 2 pieces of 2.95″ x 5.12″ white strips (C)
  • 2 pieces of 2.95″ x 5.12″ blue strips (D)
  • 1 piece of 6.10″ dark blue square (E)
  • 1 piece of 4.9″ dark blue square (F)
  • 4 pieces of 10.4″ x 2.95″ white strips (G)
  • 4 pieces of 2.95″ dark blue squares (H)
  • 2 pieces of 14.96″ x 2.76″ blue strips (I)
  • 2 pieces of 19.49″ x 2.76″ blue strips (J)
  • batting
  • backing fabric


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Step 1:

Take 1 piece each from sets A and B. Place them together, then put the remaining two on the bottom but exchange their positions to make a block. Place them right sides together then sew on the edges. Press using an iron then trim off the excess to make a 5.12″ by 5.12″ block.

Step 2:

Get fabric E and cut it diagonally twice in opposite directions. Do the same for the E fabric.

Step 3:

Get the block and place the C strips on the left and right sides then the D fabrics on the top and bottom sides. Take the 4 triangles from F fabric then place them on the corners. For the remaining dark blue triangles, place them on the top, bottom left, and right sides. Sew them together one by one.

Card Trick Patchwork Pillowcase Tutorial
Image by: Shveyniy ugolok s Ludmiloy Zardinovoy


Step 4:

Place the 4 pieces of G strips on each side and the 4 pieces of H squares on each corner.  Place them right sides together then sew. Once done, press the seams using an iron. Trim off excess.

Card Trick Patchwork Pillowcase Quilt
Image by: Shveyniy ugolok s Ludmiloy Zardinovoy


Step 5:

Place the I strips on the sides then sew and press. Rotate it, so the blue strips are on top and bottom. Place the J strips on each side then sew.

Step 6:

Place the batting and backing at the back. Start quilting by following the edges of each piece. Trim off the excess backing and batting. Then make the back of the pillowcase with a zipper. Sew the front and back together.



Card Trick Patchwork Pillowcase

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