After Looking All Over, Everything She Found Was Boring So She Decided To Make A Really Special One!

After Looking All Over, Everything She Found Was Boring So She Decided To Make A Really Special One! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

What a perfect gift to give to a family member or friends! And I’m pretty sure I need to make one as a gift for myself too. With all the fabulous fabrics available to us you can make a really special customized one that will definitely scream your name!

I have been dying to have a Bible cover for the longest time, but have never gotten around to making one. I always have a thousand things on my to-do list and never remember to make a Bible Cover until I am sitting in church.

I bought a new bible last weekend. Naturally, I wanted to take care of it. And well, I wanted to make a cover. Although, I made this cover for a bible, you can make them for textbooks, too.

Well I finally took the time to make one. I already have one, but it’s store bought, and boring. I wanted something a little more flashy. Anyway, I thought I would share this cool tutorial for any of you who might want to make one of these yourselves. I especially like the fact that this one has handles….you can even add a pocket to it if you want!

Watch how Shabby Fabrics makes this in their step by step tutorial so you can get busy making one of these great covers and protect your favorite books.

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