Put your scrap fabrics to good use by making this small and super adorable fabric bird that you can make in just a few minutes. You can also choose any pattern that you prefer to use and just let your creativity take over the project. This sewing tutorial is brought to us by the talented Globe Studio One on YouTube.
Materials for Fabric Bird:
- Cotton fabric
- Ribbon
- Foam sheet
- Black beads
- Needle and matching thread
- Sewing machine
- Polyester fiber
- Rice
- Iron
- Marking pen
- Pattern (either print out or draw your own pattern)
Step 1
The first thing you have to do is to search for a bird pattern that you like or draw one on your own, then cut it out. Cut a cotton fabric into 12*8 inches, then fold it in half. Press it lightly with an iron, then place the bird pattern on top of the fabric, and pin it around in place. Trace and outline the bird pattern, cut a small piece of ribbon, loop and fold it in half then insert it underneath the fabric, making sure that the ends of the folded ribbon are right at the bird’s neck area. Pin the ribbon in place. Stitch over the marking line except for the edges of the bird’s tail, cut around the stitch, and leave only about 1/8 inch seam allowance.
Step 2
Cut the edge of the tails straight, make notches around the bird’s body, then turn it right side out through the hole in the tail, poke the corners nicely. Press it with an iron, then start filling the body of the bird with polyester fiber, upon reaching the middle, witch to fill it with rice, then switch back to polyester fiber but do not fill the tail. Sew the edge of the body right where the filling stops by hand, pull the stitch lightly as you go to make little scrunches on the tail for some details. Sew small black beads on either side of the head for the bird’s eyes. Proceed to cut the bird’s wings pattern, trace it onto the foam sheet, and then cut it out. Insert a bead on the thread, then sew it onto the front curved edge of the wings.
*All image credit belongs to Globe Studio One via YouTube. Follow and subscribe to her channel for more!