Easy Way to Make a Bargello Quilt With Jenny Doan

Easy Way to Make a Bargello Quilt With Jenny Doan | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Missouri Star via YouTube


Have you always wanted to make this quilt design but found it overwhelming? If you do, I have found an easy way to make a bargello quilt. Let Jenny Doan from the Missouri Star teach you how to make it. I have always admired this pattern but stayed away, as it looks very complicated. You have to think of the colors, the arrangement, and the sizes, which are too much for me.


RELATED: Easy Drunkard’s Path Quilt Block Tutorial

It is so easy to get overwhelmed just by staring at it but trust me, it’s not as hard as it looks. There is actually an easier way to do it without cutting and arranging the pieces one by one. I had so much fun trying this quilt pattern at home, and I am sure you will enjoy it, too. Watch the video below for full instructions.

Here’s another beautiful quilt project for you: Easy Patchwork Butterfly Quilt Block for Beginners

Easy Bargello Quilt Materials

  • 1 roll of 2 1/2″ solid strips
  • 3/4 yards of background fabric
  • 3/4 yards of outer border fabric
  • 3 1/4 yards of backing

How to Make a Bargello Quilt

Step 1:

Open the roll. Do not remove them from the stack. You need three strips of each color. Remove the excess pieces. You are going to sew them just as how they come off from the roll.

Step 2:

Take one strip from each color grouping and sew all the pieces together. Make sure to alternate the sewing direction for each strip. Press the unit flat. Repeat 2 more times to make 3 units.

Step 3:

Cut a 9-inch piece from your contrasting fabric and put right in the middle of two units. Make sure to place it beside the lightest strips on both units. Sew them together. Press it flat. Fold in half, right sides together, and sew the edges together to make a tube.

Step 4:

Cut the third unit in half. Make sure you only have one piece of the darkest strip, not on both pieces, take one off if they are the same. Add a 9-inch contrasting fabric in the center of the two pieces. The first piece will have 11 strips and the other will have 12 strips. Make sure to place it beside the lightest strip on both sides. Press it flat. Place the ends on top of each other, right sides together. Sew them together to make a tube.

Easy Bargello Quilt Materials
Image by Missouri Star via YouTube

Step 5:

Fold the bigger tube in half twice. Make sure it is nice and flat. Cut 3 pieces of 3″ strips, 13 pieces of 2″ strips, 14 pieces of 1 1/2″ strips, and 4 pieces of 1″ strips. Stack them according to size.

Step 6:

Arrange the strips just like in the photo below. You need to tear each one apart depending on the color indicated on the chart. It moves one piece at a time. It will not be the same for each strip so take that in mind.

Make sure that all the seams are ironed in one direction and the other row in the opposite direction. Sew them together, alternating the direction after each one.

How to Make a Bargello Quilt
Image by Missouri Star via YouTube

Easy Way to Make a Bargello Quilt With Jenny Doan

Easy Way To Make A Bargello Quilt

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