Quilt basting can be done using quite a few different methods. I really have liked using quilter’s basting spray, but there is always a problem of having the adhesive spray go outside the perimeters of your project. As a result, I would always take my item outside to spray, and lay it on the driveway face down so I could spray the back liberally. That method worked, but my quilts would pick up other leaves and debris that were certainly not desirable. So I have been seriously wanting to find an alternative method so my quilt never had to leave the cutting table and I could keep my table and floor adhesive-free. I was so happy when I found this excellent video tutorial by Sew Very Easy on Youtube because the Youtuber introduced me to a new product called Free Fuse, which is a powder and comes in a sealed plastic bag with a shaker. You just transfer the powder to the shaker and sprinkle it in between whatever fabrics you are sticking together, and place a sheet of parchment paper over your top area and iron to activate the bond.
- Free Fuse basting powder
- Fabrics
- An iron
- An ironing board
- A piece of parchment paper (or Teflon sheet)
Pour the Free Fuse into the shaker that comes with the product and sprinkle in between the quilt layers.
Then, place parchment paper over the area that has the basting powder sandwiched inside and iron, it’s really that easy.
This stuff is amazing and leaves my craft room mess-free.