Air Fryer Moist Chicken Breast Recipe

Air Fryer Moist Chicken Breast Recipe | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by The Dinner Bite via YouTube


It can be scary to undercook chicken breast, but overcooked chicken breast is just as bad. This tutorial by The Dinner Bite on YouTube shows how to cook moist chicken breast in the air fryer. Chicken breast is a healthy and lean choice of protein, but it can be boring to eat if it’s not prepared or cooked correctly. This is a quick and simple recipe that is flavorful and juicy. Also, it’s a customizable recipe so you’re able to use any seasonings of your choice. Air fryer chicken breast makes meal prepping easy without the extra pots and pans to wash afterward. I love a hands-off recipe that doesn’t require much watching or effort because it works out for days that I am busy.



  • 3 chicken breasts
  • 1 1/2 tbsp Peri Peri seasoning use any other seasoning, spices or herbs of choice
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 3 tbsp vegetable oil 


First, pat the chicken breast dry with a kitchen towel, using a meat tenderizer or mallet. Pound the chicken a few times to flatten it, so the chicken can have the same thickness. Season with salt and pepper. Rub each side of the chicken with vegetable oil and season generously. Continue to watch The Dinner Bite tutorial on YouTube for full instructions and details.

How To Make Moist chicken breast - Air Fryer Chicken - How To Cook Moist Chicken
Image by The Dinner Bite via YouTube


Next, place the seasoned chicken breast in the air fryer and cook for 18-20 minutes. Flip the chicken halfway so it cooks evenly on both sides. Use a thermometer to determine if the chicken is cooked at 165F.

HOW TO COOK CHICKEN - Perfect Chicken Breast Recipe
Image by The Dinner Bite via YouTube

Overall, do not overcrowd the air fryer basket because it’s important to have space for air circulation for even cooking. Also, make sure to not leave the chicken breast in the air fryer because it will dry out the chicken.

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