Deep Fried BLT Sandwich Recipe

Deep Fried BLT Sandwich Recipe | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by BBQ Pit Boys via YouTube


The classic bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich has been a personal favorite of mine, but this recipe by BBQ Pit Boys has bumped it up a notch. If I had to choose bacon or sausage for breakfast, my choice would be bacon. That’s one of the reasons why I love BLTs, they’re simple and delicious. I love the way he cooked the eggs in this video where there’s still some runniness in the yolk. However, I would cook the bacon a little more crisper, but everything else looks amazing. The big thick cut of deep-fried bread looked so wholesome, and I liked how he filled the sandwich up by carving inside of the bread. I’ve never seen anyone do something like that with bread before as far as the cut. At first, I thought he was going to cut off the crust, but I was wrong. I would love to try the bread method, and this is a great brunch item to recreate for my friends and family.



  • Cooking oil
  • Block of favorite fresh bread
  • 1 white onion
  • Tomatoes
  • Lettuce
  • Eggs
  • Bacon


First, cook the bacon, eggs, and onions on the frying pan. Once they are cooked, set them aside for your BLT sandwich.

Deep Fried BLT Sandwich Recipe
Image by BBQ Pit Boys via YouTube

Next, slice two thick slices of bread from a block of your favorite loaf bread. Deep fry both pieces in oil, then create a deep pocket to add all of your BLT ingredients inside of the bread.

Deep Fried BLT Sandwich Recipe
Image by BBQ Pit Boys via YouTube

Overall, this extreme deep-fried BLT sandwich is creative because I love the idea of stuffing everything inside a pocket of bread. This is a cool concept because deep frying the bread does make it extreme. I can imagine the crisp from the bread complementing the fresh ingredients.

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