Need Mod Podge? Try This DIY Version For Half The Cost

Need Mod Podge? Try This DIY Version For Half The Cost | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Jennylove217 / YouTube


Mod Podge is used for so many crafts. Whether you’re doing a wood transfer, sealing a painting, or simply sticking something together, this decoupage medium is a DIY must-have.


Since Mod Podge is used for so much, it’s pretty easy to run out of. If you can’t make it to the store to pick up a $6 bottle, try this alternative that’s half the price!

YouTuber Jennylove217 makes her Mod Podge with 2 parts glue and 1 part water. For the amount she makes, get two bottles of regular school glue. Pour both into your container of choice, just make sure it has a lid. Next, fill one of the school glue bottles with water, and pour that into your mixture. Seal your container and shake well.

Watch Jenny’s tutorial below and give it a shot next time you run out!

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