Cold Air Can Get Into Your Home And She Shows Us Brilliant Solutions To Fixing That!

Cold Air Can Get Into Your Home And She Shows Us Brilliant Solutions To Fixing That! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

For those looking to reduce your heating bill without a big investment, here are some cheap ways to keep your house warm in the winter. Some of these options reduce heat loss, others add heat to the home or keep the heat where you need it.


Whether you are an ice queen who lives for the cold months or a hibernating hermit who scurries inside at the first sight of snow, no one likes to be cold in their own home. Winter weather has a way of sneaking into your house even when you do your best to keep doors and windows closed.

When I watched this tutorial I learned some simple things that are available to us, for keeping cold air out of our homes. I wasn’t aware that these items are available to us and thought I’d share them with you.

These are quick fixes for the cold weather entering our home and you’ll definitely want to check these out. They make a world of difference when you can’t seem to get warm and stay warm in your home.

To really beat the chills — and to save on your energy bill — you need to go a step further. Window insulation works wonders in maintaining a tolerable temperature in your home. Store-bought insulation kits work well, but covering every window in your home can get pretty pricey. She found a great window insulation alternative for smaller windows near the entryway or in bathrooms and kitchens!

I never dreamed that you could use bubble wrap on a window to keep heat from escaping, did you? All I’ve ever done with bubble wrap is pop the bubbles!

Watch how Alaska Granny does these clever things in her step by step tutorial so you can stay warmer this winter.



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