Looking to upgrade your crafting abilities? We think that starts by organizing your craft room, to make sure you have easy access to all of your supplies. How many times have you bought things, only to forget you even have them? Or you spend hours looking for that perfect notion or piece of fabric you know you have but just can’t find due to all of your creativity being all over the place. Check out these clever DIY ideas for organizing your craft room in style. We know you will not be sorry. From fabric storage to tape and ribbon organizers, cute furniture you can make for crafting with ease, genius paint and brush storage and more, you have to check out these best craft room organizing projects. Check out the step by step tutorials to learn how to make your craft room the most awesome ever!
DIY Craft Room Storage Ideas
1. Easy Washi Tape Storage
2. Anchored Fabric Storage
3. Desk Drawer Storage
4. Craft Paint Storage
5. DIY Hanging Paint Storage
6. DIY Thread Holder
7. Vintage Soda Crate Storage
8. Craft Nook From Old Headboard