Easy DIY Orange Lamp for Emergency

Easy DIY Orange Lamp for Emergency | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credit: Household Hacker via YouTube


Let’s say you had a sudden power outage in your area which can happen anytime and is highly probable in certain places, most household who expects this would be prepared with the right tools and maybe an emergency kit nearby. But, what if you’re not ready and you don’t have anything available around you except some matches or lighter?


RELATED: How to Make a DIY Candle That Never Goes Out

The good news is that there are a couple of DIY emergency lighting that you can find tutorials for online and one of those brilliant ideas is this one by Household Hacker on YouTube. All you need is an orange and some olive oil which you may already have in your kitchen, and you can start making a candle of your own that can last for hours! Learn how now.

Materials for DIY Orange Lamp:

  • Orange
  • Knife
  • Olive Oil
  • Lighter

How to Make an Orange Lamp:

Materials for DIY Orange Lamp
Image credit: Household Hacker via YouTube

Step 1

Create a vessel to hold the oil that will be burning off by carefully cutting the orange just beyond the peel. After making an incision across the circumference of the orange, put your finger under the peel to loosen it from the fruit, and make sure that you get the root of the orange intact when you pull it out.

Step 2

Put the orange aside so you can eat it later, then fill the peel with olive oil about halfway, and make sure to douse the wick or the root with the oil. You can make an air shield by cutting the other half of the peel as demonstrated in the video, then protect the wick with it, and light it up, you might have to wait for about 20 to 30 seconds before it starts to burn.

How to Make an Orange Lamp
Image credit: Household Hacker via YouTube

Easy DIY Orange Lamp for Emergency

*All image credit belongs to Household Hacker via YouTube. Follow and subscribe to his channel for more! 

Easy DIY Orange Lamp for Emergency

Easy DIY Orange Lamp for Emergency

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