How to Keep Tomatoes Fresh Longer

How to Keep Tomatoes Fresh Longer | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credit: MOMables - Laura Fuentes via YouTube


Sometimes we get carried away with our groceries and purchase lots of tomatoes, especially if they’re on sale, while some people have managed to harvest lots of tomatoes from their garden, which is a good thing! The problem is that most of the time you won’t be able to use everything that they end up going to waste, so the smart thing to do is to at least try to prolong the shelf life of the tomatoes so that you can have a better chance at cooking them.


RELATED: How to Keep Tomatoes Fresh for a Long Time without Freezing

Keeping tomatoes fresh for a long time is possible and you don’t even have to exert too much effort or use special products. All you need is this video tutorial by MOMables – Laura Fuentes on YouTube, she will introduce different methods and ways to store your tomatoes properly to keep them from ripening quickly. Learn how now by reading the written instructions below and make sure to watch the full video tutorial as well for more detailed steps!

How to Store Tomatoes Properly:

How to Keep Tomatoes Fresh Longer
Image credit: MOMables – Laura Fuentes via YouTube

Tip #1

Remove the stems of the tomatoes, then wrap them in newspapers individually, and store them upside down in a cool, dry place.

Tip #2

Make sure that any ripe tomatoes are kept out of the sun to prevent them from ripening faster. For unripened tomatoes, you can leave them in direct sunlight for short periods.

Tip #3

For very ripe tomatoes, place them upside down, then if the stem is missing, put tape over the spot where the stem used to be and store them away from the stove or oven.

Tip #4

Fully ripe tomatoes can last longer in the fridge for up to 4 days. You can also store them in a Ziploc bag or an airtight container, then put them in the freezer.

How to Store Tomatoes Properly
Image credit: MOMables – Laura Fuentes via YouTube

How to Keep Tomatoes Fresh Longer

*All image credit belongs to MOMables – Laura Fuentes via YouTube. Follow and subscribe to her channel for more! 

How to Keep Tomatoes Fresh Longer

How to Keep Tomatoes Fresh Longer

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