Quick Way to Remove Odors From Plastic Containers

Quick Way to Remove Odors From Plastic Containers | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by OnePotChefShow via YouTube


Homecooked meals are the best. It doesn’t contain a lot of sodium and sugar compared to fast food restaurants, and you have more control over what ingredients to use, making it a healthier option. Cooking at home can also save you a lot of money as you can buy grocery products in bulk. We do meal prep during busy weeks to save a lot of time and energy, and we prepare a ton of plastic containers at home to be able to do this.


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The only problem with plastic containers is that they absorb odors as they are porous. So, if you forget your food in it for a long time, it will likely smell. I am sure we all have experienced it once in our lives.

I recently learned that there is a quick way to remove odors from plastic containers. You don’t need to scrub it hard or use any chemical cleaning products just to get rid of it. Let OnePotChefShow show you how to neutralize bad smells using paper. It’s super easy and is surely effective!

Here’s another tip for you: How to Remove Stains From Plastic Dishes

What You Need to Remove Odors From Plastic Containers

  • scrap paper or crunched-up newspaper

How to Remove Odor From Plastic Containers

Step 1:

Wash the container as you normally would, getting all the dirt and grime off. Dry the container.

What You Need to Remove Odors From Plastic Containers
Image by OnePotChefShow via YouTube

Step 2:

Take a scrap of paper or newspaper, and scrunch it up. Place inside your container.

Step 3:

Place the lid and store the container in the cupboard as usual.

How to Remove Odor From Plastic Containers
Image by OnePotChefShow via YouTube

Step 4:

Next time you use it, simply remove the lid, take off the paper, and discard it. Give the container a quick rinse and it’s ready to use.

Quick Way to Remove Odors From Plastic Containers

Quick Way to Remove Odors From Plastic Containers

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