Why You Shouldn’t Throw Away Watermelon Rinds

Why You Shouldn’t Throw Away Watermelon Rinds | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Mashed via YouTube


Do you always buy watermelon? If you do, do you disregard the watermelon rinds when you cut it open? You should think before throwing them again into the trash. Believe it or not, you can eat watermelon rinds. Yes, you can. Most people don’t know that they are edible and I was one of those until I saw this video by Mashed.


Watermelon rinds are actually good for you. The white parts of a watermelon that we often ignore are incredibly rich in nutrients.

RELATED: How to Pick the Best Watermelon Every Time

It is crunchy and tastes like cucumbers when raw, but when cooked, they become tender and have the same texture as sautéed carrots. Watermelon rinds are lower in sugar compared to the flesh. There are a ton more reasons why you should not throw them away. To prepare watermelon kinds for consumption, keep on reading.

Next time you buy watermelons, make sure not to throw away the rinds and try the recipes below instead.

Check out this cutting tip: The Right Way to Cut a Watermelon

Good for health

Did you know that watermelon can help reduce blood pressure? It also contains a lot of fiber, which aids digestion.

On top of those, watermelon rind helps muscles gain access to oxygen, which enables fast recovery and prevents sore muscles.

How to Use Watermelon Rinds

1 – Watermelon rind drink

Blend the watermelon rinds with lime, mint, and ice, for a refreshing drink.

2 – Pickling watermelon rind

Did you know you can pickle watermelon rinds? Yes, you can. Adding a few maraschino cherries while pickling will help sweeten it up.

You can also make it spicy. Taste of home recommends using cinnamon, cloves, and peppercorns to give it a nice kick.

How to Make Watermelon Rind Pickles
Image by Mashed via YouTube

3 – Use just like any other vegetable

You can add it to stir fried dishes or kimchi.

How to Use Watermelon Rinds
Image by Mashed via YouTube


Why You Shouldn’t Throw Away Watermelon Rinds

Why You Shouldn’t Throw Away Watermelon Rinds

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