Genius Way to Make a Tortilla Wrap

Genius Way to Make a Tortilla Wrap | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Anthony Wreyn via YouTube


Do you love making tortilla wraps at home? If you do, you have to check out this genius way to make a tortilla wrap. I am a big fan of tortilla wraps especially for breakfast, as I can customize them however I like. You can make them as meaty, cheesy, or healthy as you want. Here are 3 Healthy Tortilla Wrap Recipes that you might want to try.


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The usual way of preparing it is by wrapping it in a burrito. You place the fillings on one side of the tortilla, fold the sides toward the center, and then roll it from top to bottom. This will keep all the ingredients intact, making the meal less messy. There’s also this other trick where you cut the tortilla in quarters, which will make it more crunchy when grilled. Check out how to do it here: Tik Tok Tortilla Wrap Recipe.

This new wrapping technique by Anthony Wreyn is a bit different since you will be using two tortillas. All of the fillings are separated in wraps. Give this method a try next time you make tortilla wraps for breakfast!

How to Make a Tortilla Wrap

Step 1:

Get one tortilla, and cut it just like in the photo below. Do the same with another tortilla.

How to Make a Tortilla Wrap
Image by Anthony Wreyn via YouTube

Step 2:

Slide the tortilla into the other tortilla, just like in the photo below to connect them. Fill the side centers of each tortilla with your fillings.

Best Way to Make a Tortilla Wrap
Image by Anthony Wreyn via YouTube

Step 3:

Fold the tortilla on the side of the fillings to enclose them. Sprinkle shredded cheese on the center.

Step 4:

Fold the fillings toward the center, then fold the ends of the tortilla in. Fold it in half then it’s ready for grilling.

Step 5:

Once grilled, cut into half diagonally.


Genius Way to Make a Tortilla Wrap

Genius Way to Make a Tortilla wrap (1)

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