How to Get Rid of Ants in Your Yard or Driveway

How to Get Rid of Ants in Your Yard or Driveway | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Dave Wirth via YouTube


Ants are more active in summer. You can see them roaming around your home during this season. They find cracks in your house and build a nest. It can be very troublesome, especially if you have kids or dogs, or if you like spending time in your yard. Whenever they feel threatened, they bite to defend themselves. Ant bites are painful and itchy, and may even cause allergic reactions.


RELATED: The Secret to Eliminate Little Black Ants

If you are dealing with this problem, let Dave Wirth teach you how to get rid of ants in your yard or driveway. It is an easy and quick DIY solution to get rid of these pesky creatures. You don’t have to buy expensive bug sprays to kill red ants that contain harmful chemicals. All you need is liquid soap and nothing else! Trust me, it works great. It’s simple yet effective.

Here is another DIY solution to get rid of pests: How to Use Baking Soda for Pest Control

What You Need to Get Rid of Ants

  • any liquid soap
  • hot water
  • spray bottle
  • boiling water

How to Get Rid of Ants

Step 1:

Fill a thick spray bottle with hot water and boiling water. The bottle can get very hot so be careful.

Step 2:

Add liquid soap to the water and shake well.

What You Need to Get Rid of Ants
Image by Dave Wirth via YouTube

Step 3:

Spray the mixture where you see the ants. If it has cracks, make sure to fill it up to flood the nest. Let it soak in and spray again 3 times to fill the cracks.

You can also add the liquid soap directly to the ant hill and spray with hose.

How to Get Rid of Ants
Image by Dave Wirth via YouTube

Step 4:

Check after a few days. If you still see ant activity in the same spots, spray again the mixture.



How to Get Rid of Ants in Yard or Driveway

How to Get Rid of Ants in Yard or Driveway

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