Image by BRIGHT SIDE via YouTube
The winter season is here and it can be very challenging for all car owners. It takes some time and effort to ice off the car and defog the windows and windshield, and they are not great to deal with, especially if you are in a hurry. That’s why you need to prepare your car for the cold months. Check out these 11 simple tricks to protect your car in winter by BRIGHT SIDE.
RELATED: 10 Winter Car Tips and Tricks You Need to Know
These simple car hacks will save you a lot of time and energy! You really don’t need to do much to keep your car from icing. By simply covering them with plastic or socks, you won’t have to deal with frost or ice. So, if you find yourself in these situations, try these techniques. They work really well and will save you from being late for your appointment.
Mix vinegar with water in a 3:1 ratio and spray the solution to your windows to prevent them from getting icy overnight. If they are already frozen, mix 20 fl oz of rubbing alcohol, 6.7 fl oz of water, and 1 drop of dish detergent. Spray the mixture on icy windows.
Leave your wiper in a raised position, then put some knee-high socks on them. Always turn off your wipers before you leave your car overnight.
Use regular sanitizer. The alcohol in it will remove the ice and allow you to unlock your car. You can also heat your car key with a match or lighter. To keep the car lock from freezing, try spraying the key hole with WD-40.
Spray cooking oil to the rubber seals from the top, side and bottom, then wipe it with a paper towel to remove excess.
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Rub it with a chalkboard eraser. To prevent it from fogging, fill an old stocking with kitty litter. It will absorb moisture and prevent it from happening again.
Cover them with plastic bags fitted with rubber bands, then take them off following day.
Clean your headlights well and let them dry. Once dry, apply a thin layer of wax.
Keep enough water and some food (dry snacks) in your car during the winter months.
Keeping your gas tank at least half full will make sure your vehicle’s engine will not fail while driving.
Parkin in a garage or under/near a tree or building will keep your car warmer overnight and help you start it easily.
If you car gets stuck in hard snow or ice, sprinkle some cat litter in front of the tires.