Refreshing Virgin Pina Colada

Refreshing Virgin Pina Colada | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Drinks Made Easy via Youtube


Looking for a delicious non-alcoholic drink to beat the heat? Here’s a refreshing virgin pina colada recipe by Drinks Made Easy. This is surely one of the best mocktails I have ever tried. Everyone at home loves this simple refreshment, even the kids. Having this drink feels like I am being transported to paradise! Serve it at gatherings or celebrations – I am sure your guests will love it.



  • 1 1/2 cups of frozen pineapple chunks (this will make your drink yellow, not white)
  • 1/4 cup of ice
  • 1 cup of coconut milk
  • 1 cup of pineapple juice
  • 1 to 3 tablespoons of brown sugar (optional, depends on how sweet you want it to be)

For garnish (optional) :

  • maraschino cherries
  • pineapple chunks
  • toothpick


Note: if you don’t have frozen pineapple chunks, just double the amount of ice


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Step 1:

Prepare all of your ingredients. If the pineapple is fresh, you can cut them into chunks and place it in the freezer. Let it freeze for a few hours. You can also use unfrozen pineapples, the texture and color will just be different.

Refreshing Virgin Pina Colada Recipe
Image by Drinks Made Easy via Youtube

Step 2:

In your blender, add 1 and 1/2 cups of frozen pineapple chunks, 1/4 cup of ice, 1 cup of coconut milk, 1 cup of pineapple juice, and 1 tablespoon of sugar. Place the lid and blend until it becomes smooth. Make a taste test and adjust brown sugar or other ingredients if needed. If you want it to be creamy you can add coconut cream.

Refreshing Virgin Pina Colada Ingredients
Image by Drinks Made Easy via Youtube

Step 3:

Pour the mixture into your glass and add your straw. Insert two maraschino cherries and a pineapple chunk into a toothpick. Garnish on top of your drink. You can also put a cocktail umbrella to turn it into a fun drink. Serve and enjoy!

Love this drink? For more easy and delicious recipes like this, make sure to visit Drinks Made Easy on Youtube.

Refreshing Virgin Pina Colada

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