A Trick on How to Dry Your Shoes in the Dryer

A Trick on How to Dry Your Shoes in the Dryer | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Mr. Gizmo via Youtube


Are you often wash your shoes but have a hard time drying them? You’re in the right place! This fantastic trick from Mr. Gizmo on Youtube is so simple yet so effective! Now, I can wash my shoes even on weekdays without having to worry about drying them completely. Being athletic, I often get my only pair of shoes dirty. So this little trick really saves me from my dilemma. Who would have thought there was a hack drying your shoes without all the noise in your dryer? This also saves me from ruining my shoes and damaging our dryer, which could get me in trouble with my mother. I shared this with my friends, and they were all so thankful to me. Well, all thanks to Mr. Gizmo for this brilliant trick; I couldn’t ask for a far better trick than this! Wanna know the secret? Don’t miss out, and watch the video tutorial below to learn this today. Make sure to also check Mr. Gizmo on Youtube for more brilliant tips and hacks.



  • pair of shoes
  • dryer


Step 1

For this trick, tie your shoes together with a knot on top, then open your dryer. Put your shoes inside by hanging them on the door. (The knot will ensure that your shoes won’t fall off during the drying process.) Remember that you can’t have anything in your dryer when doing this trick because they will just pull the shoes further in.

Tying your shoes together before drying in the dryer
Image credits: Mr. Gizmo via Youtube


Step 2

After this, turn on your dryer. With this trick, you won’t be able to hear thumpings that can ruin your shoes and damage your dryer, but your shoes still get heat from the dryer.

Drying the pair of shoes in the dryer
Image credits: Mr. Gizmo via Youtube

A Trick on How to Dry Your Shoes in the Dryer

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