Double Pinwheel Quilt Block

Double Pinwheel Quilt Block | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by The Sewing Channel via Youtube


You’ll surely have fun making this double pinwheel quilt block by The Sewing Channel on Youtube. I love the contrast of colors, the stripes, and how you can play with the arrangements and get different results. This will definitely be an eye-catching piece! Watch the video below for full instructions.



  • 5 pieces of 10″ by 1 1/4″ strips (3 in the darker fabric, 2 in a medium to light fabric)
  • 4 1/4″ by 10″ light fabric strip
  • 2 5.75″ squares (make sure the fabric contrasts the little pinwheel)



Step 1:

Place the light or medium strips in between the dark strips. Sew them with a quarter of an inch seam allowance. It will measure approximately 4 1/4″ in width.

Double Pin Wheel Block Tutorial
Image by The Sewing Channel via Youtube


Step 2:

Put the 4 1/4″ by 10″ light strip on top of the patchwork, right sides together. Sew a quarter of an inch on both long edges.


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Step 3:

Cut 4.25″ squares from the tube. Measure from the top edge to the bottom edge of the tube.

Step 4:

Cut the squares in half diagonally. Make sure you do not rotate the squares and that the diagonal is in the same orientation. Once done, press the seam allowance toward the darker side of the fabric. Set it aside.

Double Pin Wheel Block Project
Image by The Sewing Channel via Youtube


Step 5:

Cut the 2 pieces of 5.75″ squares in half diagonally in the same direction.

Step 6:

Arrange the triangles to make a pinwheel block. Alternate the patchwork and the plain fabric. Make sure the plain fabric on the patchwork is on the outside edge. You can also try different arrangements.

Step 7:

Sew it in pairs first with a quarter of an inch seam allowance. Measure the block and check if it’s a 5 1/4″ inch block. If not, trim off excess fabrics. Once you sew the triangles in pairs, sew them together with a quarter of an inch seam allowance to make the block.


Double Pin Wheel Quilt Block

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