7 Simple Secrets to a Dust-Free Home

7 Simple Secrets to a Dust-Free Home | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Andrea Jean Cleaning via Youtube


When it’s time for me to clean the house, the first and last step I do is to dust, and I always apply these tips from Andrea Jean Cleaning I found on Youtube. I’m telling you, ever since I incorporated these tips into my cleaning routine, dusting has been so much easier. They are so genius, and what I like the most is they save so much of my time and are very effective. Share these with your friends and family today! Learn the following by watching the video below or by reading the written tips. All thanks to Andrea Jean Cleaning for the amazing tips!


#1 Cleaning Vents

You can clean your dirty vents by washing them in your dishwasher.

Washing the vents in the dishwasher
Image credits: Andrea Jean Cleaning via Youtube

#2 Furniture

Spray some dusting solution into your microfiber towel and start to wipe clean your furniture that is full of dust.

#3 Ceilings

Take a broom to get to those cobwebs and dust into your high ceilings.

#4 Lampshades

The best way to remove dust from your lampshades is to use lint rollers. For the light bulbs, clean them with a microfiber towel with rubbing alcohol.


#5 Vents

Get a ruler wrapped with a microfiber towel and use it to go in between the slats in your vent. You can use the same strategy on your blinds for a faster cleaning process.

#6 Air Filter

Make sure to change your air filters often to avoid dust accumulation in your home.

#7 Ceiling Fan

Take an old pillowcase and use it to wipe clean the fan blades without a mess. After this, you can rub some fragrant oil along the edges of the fan blades. You will get a nice smell once you turn on the fan.

Cleaning the ceiling fan blades with old pillowcase
Image credits: Andrea Jean Cleaning via Youtube

7 Simple Secrets to a Dust-Free Home

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