7 Beginner Sewing Mistakes To Avoid

7 Beginner Sewing Mistakes To Avoid | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Evelyn Wood via YouTube


If you’re just starting your sewing journey, you might want to check out these seven things to avoid as a beginner from Evelyn Wood on YouTube. You might pick up a thing or two you can incorporate into your sewing habits as early as now with the following tips.


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These helped me out a lot when I was just starting, and will also help you build a good foundation as a beginner. You’ll surely develop positive habits with these tips, I’m sure of it. Check out the following by watching the video below.

#1 Don’t Use Stretchy Fabric

Don’t use stretchy, sheer, slippery, shiny, or any other difficult fabrics as a beginner.

Don't use any difficult fabric when starting out in sewing
Image credits: Evelyn Wood via YouTube

#2 Avoid Trying to Adjust the Seams

Don’t add or subtract to the side seams’ to make something bigger or smaller. Doing this can affect so many other things and ruin the fit of the clothes you are making. Instead, investigate further before you just start adding or subtracting to the side of your seams.

#3 Don’t Use Different Seam Allowances

The patterns are all mathematically worked out and are exactly where they are supposed to be. Using different seam allowances may affect this and your pattern pieces may no longer match together.

#4 Don’t Rely on Sewing Patterns

Don’t assume the sewing pattern has all the information you need to sew something together as it is never designed as a learn-to-sew tool.

#5 Don’t Skip the Pressing

Don’t skip pressing as you sew your project. The golden rule of sewing is you sew your seam, you finish off the raw ledges, and then you press it.

#6 Don’t Ignore the Grainline and/or Layout Instructions

There’s a good reason why is there a grainline drawn on every pattern you piece. So, that the way the fabric is made, will fall in a certain way.

#7 Don’t Sew Late at Night Whilst Tired

If you’ve unpicked something 16 times and you’re frustrated and cranky, and it seems there’s more damage, it will never going to work out. Just put it down, walk away a few hours or just come back with a fresh mindset the next day.

Don't sew at night as a beginner
Image credits: Evelyn Wood via YouTube

7 Beginner Sewing Mistakes To Avoid

7 Beginner Sewing Mistakes To Avoid

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