Do you find peeling garlic cloves tedious? Make your life easier with these tips from Taste Unfold on Youtube on how to peel garlic faster! I can’t believe there are other ways to peel garlic, and I’ve been doing it all wrong the whole time. Now, I can prep my ingredients much faster, especially when the recipe involves garlic – it’s all thanks to these tips! Share these with your family and friends today. Watch the video tutorial below to learn the following tips. Thanks to Taste Unfold for these amazing tips! Make sure to check out the channel for more videos like this.
Method 1:
Place the garlic cloves in a jar, then put the lid on tightly. Now, shake the jar well until the skin of the garlic loosens.
Method 2:
Grab a clove and firmly press it vertically on the surface. This way, the skin will loosen up, and you’ll be able to peel the clove faster.
Method 3:
Place the garlic in the microwave for 30 seconds. After this, peeling the skin will be much faster.
Method 4:
Lay the garlic clove, place the knife on its flat side over, then press firmly down with your palm to loosen the skin of the garlic.
Method 5:
Place the garlic cloves in a bowl, fill it with water, and soak them for some time. This will make the skin soften, and you’ll be able to peel the garlic effortlessly.