When cooking a lot of meals for a gathering, you can’t avoid but to make a mess. It is normal, but if you let everything pile up, you’ll probably get overwhelmed with all the things you need to clean once you are done eating. This is probably one of the main reasons why a lot of people prefer to buy cooked food instead of cooking at home. By doing so, they can save time and energy from cleaning up the mess.
RELATED: 9 Kitchen Hacks If You Hate Cleaning
But if you are someone who loves to cook and prefers home-cooked meals, the best thing you can do is to clean as you go. It is actually not as difficult as you think. Once you get used to it, you’ll no longer have to deal with a lot of dishes after eating your meal. Check out these 5 tips to keep your kitchen clean while cooking by Clean My Space. They are very helpful in keeping your kitchen neat and free of splatters and dishes.
For more kitchen tips, check these out: 6 Useful Food Tricks You Can Use in Your Home Kitchen, 11 No-Cost Home and Kitchen Organization Ideas
5 Ways to Keep Your Kitchen Clean While Cook
1 – Start with a clean sink and empty dishwasher
Make sure there are no plates or dishes on your sink and in your dishwasher. If they are not done, you have a mount of dishes to deal with once you are done cooking.
2 – Keep your garbage bins close
Keep a compost bin or garbage bin beside you, so you can easily throw anything you chop or peel right away.
3 – Use a splatter guard
When you are frying, place a splatter guard on top of your pan. It will keep the oil from splattering.
You can also reduce splatter by drying your ingredients before adding them to the pan.
4 – Clean while your food cooks
When you are waiting for the food to cook or to finish baking, rinse the dishes, load them into your dishwasher, and wipe the counters.
5 – Pre-treat for an easy clean-up
Mix up a solution of two cups of water and a teaspoon of dish soap. Pretreat your pans as soon as it cooled off just a little.
You can also use baking soda with the solution to provide the extra abrasion you need to make clean-up easier.