I’m sure you’ll pick up a thing or two from these genius cleaning hacks from Clean That Up on YouTube. These hacks come straight from a professional, so they’re surely tested and effective. I love cleaning efficiently, and these hacks just changed my routine for the better. Wanna learn them? Check out the video tutorial below and share it with your friends and family!
#1 Cleaning with a Pumice Stone
If your toilet has stubborn rings that won’t go away, grab yourself a pumice stone and gently rub the rings til they completely disappear. You can also use it to clean baked-on grease on your oven racks or oven. (Just make sure to use different pumice stones on each task.) Always use them wet and never scrub them dry to avoid scratches. Another use for pumice stones is you can use them to remove pet hair on furniture.
#2 Cleaning with Rubber Spatula
Another ingenious household kitchen tool you can use to remove pet hair is a rubber spatula. Grab yourself one, then scrape the chair with it to remove pet hair.
#3 Removing Stinky Odors with Vinegar
Spray the cushion with some white vinegar, place it in a garbage bag, then use a vacuum cleaner to suck all the air out. This will force the vinegar into the cushion to neutralize the smell. Just let it sit in the bag for about five to eight hours. Once done, take it out and let it dry out in the sun for a while.
#4 Cleaning with a Pillow Case
Grab a pillowcase, place it over the fan blade, wrap it around tight, and pull back slowly. This will let you clean your hanging fan blades mess-free, as the dust will be trapped inside the pillowcase. Once you’re done, just take the pillowcase outside and give it a good shake.