He Puts Bottle Caps On A Piece of Wood And You’ll Be Amazed By What He Makes (Brilliant!)

He Puts Bottle Caps On A Piece of Wood And You’ll Be Amazed By What He Makes (Brilliant!) | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

I must say that I was rather surprised when I saw what he did after putting bottle caps on a piece of wood. Never would I have thought of this, even in my wildest dreams! I must say that what he does is really clever and the best part about it is that it’s affordable!


We all know that backsplashes aren’t cheap and this guy has three DIY backsplash ideas that blew me away…especially the first one! What he does is so brilliant and quite stunning.

My personal favorite is the first backsplash he does. He bought a large bag of bottle caps for $15 from a beer supply place, clear silicone, a piece of MDF and colored grout. He glued the bottle caps on the wood with silicone and let those dry. Then he went over the whole thing with colored grout.

The next two DIY backsplashes he shows us are also great options, but I’m sold on the first one.

When your kitchen feels outdated or tired, one of the best places a DIY’er can make a change is by redoing or adding a backsplash. These are quick and inexpensive projects. So use one of these ideas to make your kitchen look new again, or adapt one of these techniques for an idea totally your own!

Watch how this guy on Cityline does these backsplashes in this step by step tutorial.


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