Did you know that this product is not just for degreasing? There are other 13 clever WD 40 uses that you probably didn’t know. Thanks to Hometalk for these awesome ideas!
1 – Cleans label residue
Just spray on the sticker residue and scrape. It will help break down the sticky glue.
2 – Weather-proof shoes
Tired of getting your shoes dirty? Make it weather-proof by spraying WD 4o, and wiping it with a towel.
3 – Removes crayon
Just spray on the crayon drawing and wipe it with a towel.
4 – Cleans windshields
Do you have a dirty windshield? Just spray it with WD 40 and clean it with a dry soft cloth.
5 – Cleans fingerprints
Use this product when you have fingerprints on your doors.
6 – Unstick scissors and tools
Do you have scissors with the blades sticking to each other? Use WD 40 to unstick them.
7 – Loosens hot glue spot
Remove dried hot glue from a surface easily with this product.
8 – Loosens sticky lock
Is your lock not opening properly? Spraying some WD 40 can help!
9 – Loosens grip
Try to use this when the grip on your hose is too tight.
10 – Shines stainless steel
Did you know that this product can make your stainless steel surfaces shine? Use it next time you have a dirty refrigerator, oven, or dishwasher.
11 – Repels dirt on tools
If your tools have dirt that hardens up, use this product to soften it and it will instantly be gone in just one wipe. It will also keep the dirt from sticking next time.
12 – Remove the squeaking noise from your door
Does your door squeak when you open it? It can be really annoying, but don’t worry it’s easy to fix. Most of the time you only need to spray some WD 40 and you will no longer hear the irritating sound.
13 – Kills unwanted bugs
Kill any bugs in your home instantly with this product!